Friday, May 30, 2008

4th and a long way to go!!

Our anniversary was yesterday. Seems like just yesterday that Katt came "raking" out to Storybook Farm where I used to live. That was Jan. 21st, 2002. And to boot, we have the front porch swing where we ate biscuits (cookies) and drank milk. Now the swing will be for rocking a baby to sleep, or mom, whoever needs it!!

It was also my parents anniversary...43 years, me thinks. Boy do Katt and I have a long way to go. But my folks have been exemplary role models, I only hope Katt and I can be as marginally good a pair of parents as my folks have been.

Happy Anniversary to all those who have a significant other in their life...and to those that don't, it's cliche, but 'tis true, there is someone out there for you.

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