Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Katt's 8th treatment

Just had to put this one up...stroller parking...a first time fo rme to see that one!

"I sure am hungry..."

Grandpaw reads to the boy...he does love his books!

Went ok today. Katt said that she knew this one would be hard when she woke up this morning. Just something about the way she felt tired, sore, already before she went in. But, good thing is that she is doing ok, and the treatments are working, and Charlie is doing great! So far, no flu, nor bad sickness (knock on wood).

We hope ya'll are good. Sorry this is a short one, but I am tired tonight. Time to prop up the legs.

Charlie has had some firsts: he now walks himself to the crib when it's bedtime. He knows how to say 'cheers'. And he also can give a kiss like nobody's business!

Love to all.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

nice, just plain nice.

That's how it felt yesterday. If I use any more word than 'nice' it just wouldn't be enough. The doc showed us two scans, the one in May, and the one this past Tuesday. Talk about a world of difference. The tumor in the lung is almost gone, and the lymphoma cancer is getting knocked out as well. Nice.

How has everyone of our family and friends been to us? Nice.
How does it feel to know that Katt WILL get better, and have her life back? Nice.
We know that Charlie has kept us going in times that we just felt tired...but how does it feel to know we have a great baby? Nice.

Nice. Any other adjective, just wouldn't give the feelings we have the proper justice.

Love to all.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pictures from the homeland

Charlie and Granda feed the cows!

Charlie meets his namesake.

We don't know what he is pointing to, but he is making sure we know it! Nice wellies huh?

The island of Arranmore...breathtaking, but wouldn't want to try to moor there...WINDY!!

Charlie blows Granny Bonner a kiss. She thought he was a handsome wee man, named for her husband...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's been too long...

Between posts...I know. But boy have we had a lot going on!

A trip to Ireland, which was great, but a whirlwind. It always is when we visit the Bonner clan. So much to do, in so little time. And we gave ourselves MORE time than ever!! Everyone there is doing great, and of course, Charlie was the big hit...of the wedding, the sheep, the cows, the beach, the retirement party. PHEWWW! What a trip.

Pictures will be up soon!

On to Katt.
She had her 6th treatment yesterday. Some good, some bad. It seems that some of the symptoms that first made her seek out a doctor are coming back. Not all, but enough for the doc to say time for another PET scan to see what is going on with the tumor, and the cancer itself.

Her legs are hurting more, her hair is coming out, and the energy is starting to fade. Chemo is not easy. But, she is still at peace with what is happening, there may just have to be another way to fight it. We will see when the PET scan is done in about 10 days from now.

More later.