Sunday, September 6, 2009

one more before we go

On the way to the game. Sun was bright...

Charlie points up to the bird above the stadium.

Now he is looking for the big ram mascot.

Charlie and Davis having fun tailgating!

Charlie overwhelmed by the crowds!

Katt's coming up on almost half-way point with her treatments. Number 5 is coming up this Wed. and we leave for Ireland next Monday. We are counting on the white blood cells to be up, her treatment to go like it has the 4 previous times, and we will be off to the motherland.

We've been doing a lot recently, as Charlie past the 14month threshold this past week. In case I didn't post them, his measurements of the first year are good. 60% weight, 75% height, and 90% head...big headed boy he is.

We also yesterday attended Carolina's first home game. Had a blast as always, tailgating with good friends and family.