Friday, February 15, 2008

OH NO!! (Olaf's hand is WRONG)

Butterflies...that is the feeling that Katt has described for me. Growing up, playing all kinds of sports, and being nervous getting that feeling of "butterflies," I SOMEWHAT know what she means. But it will never come close to the real thing!!!

Our latest checkup yesterday went very well. At 19 weeks, everything is growing normally--spine, facial structure, arms, legs, etc. There was only one problem, we think we saw Olaf doing the "Wolkpack" finger sign thingie!! Problems already, and we're not even out of the womb yet...oh well...the allegiance teachings will begin soon. Go Heels!!

We hope everyone is doing alright. Mom and Pop are coming in this weekend to help us move some furniture around...getting ready for Olaf! Gotta paint the room Carolina Blue!! Cycling season starts this coming weekend. Good luck to the team!

Be safe...

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